
Global Search

Utilize the Global Search functionality to find specific data within large data sets.

Performing a Global Search

To start a Global Search, navigate to the Global Search section within the GRAX Application. You will be required to select the Related Object and Record Status, then populate the Date Filter criteria to narrow the search. The data is viewable, available for download, and interactable with GRAX features such as Archive and Restore.



Global Search results will be deleted after 60 days of inactivity.

Optional Field Filters

Optional field filters allow you to add specific field values that govern the results your search will provide. Each field filter value must be located on an individual line item for accurate results.


Selecting an option from the Mode dropdown menu will determine filter logic. Selection options include:

  • Match any filter (OR) will return results where one or both of the filters are true.
  • Match all filters (AND) will return results where both of the filters are true.
  • Match by custom groups can be used to build more precise or flexible conditions/rules.
Search custom groups

Search Operators

When adding optional field filters, you will be prompted to select an operator from the dropdown menu.



The Less Than, Less Than or Equal, Greater Than, and Greater Than or Equal operators compare values lexically, and string comparison is case insensitive. Example: 9 comes after 10.

Other Options

Additionally, you have the ability to:

  • Set a limit for the number of results produced by the search
  • Run the search in reverse order with the oldest results appearing first
  • Send a notification email to the admin users once the job has completed
search other options

Search Results List

Once the Global Search has completed, you will be able to see the details of the search job and a list of the results. These result records can then be modified (either individually or in batches), archived, restored, seeded, or purged depending on the current status of the record.

search results actions

To modify a record, click on the Modify selected records button and proceed with the chosen action.

Customizing Fields

Visible fields that show in the results list can be configured by clicking on the Customize fields button in the top right corner of the results.

search customize fields

From here, you can add and remove the fields you want to view on the results list or for a CSV download.

Downloading Results

After a search has completed, results can be downloaded in CSV format. When choosing to download search results, users are prompted to select which version of the results they'd like to download. The options are:

  • Visible Fields: The CSV will only include the fields that are visible on the Search results page. By default, this is a subset of fields that contains Id, Name, and several audit/timestamp fields, but this can be customized.
  • All Fields: All fields from the records are included in the download.

Please note: Depending on the number or records and fields included in the download, the Global Search results may take a several minutes to download. If your search results exceed a size that's easily workable in common tools like Excel or Google Sheets, try a more powerful tool like SQLite.

Indexing Fields

The Index search functionality offers improved search speed for customers who commonly search on the same fields and need results quickly. When a field is indexed, comparisons against that field's value on any given record can be processed more quickly. Indexes are specific to the field and object pair chosen for each, and users can create custom-indexed fields.

When to Index Fields

Only fields that are used the most frequently should be indexed. While here is no limit to the number of fields you can index, indexing multiple fields at the same time will result in longer processing times. We recommend starting with the highest priority objects/fields first and adding additional fields for indexing as needed.

How to Index Fields

From the Global Search page, click the Indexes button. To add an index, select the object and field, then click save to start the indexing process.

search indexes

Once an index is created, it will be continuously updated and automatically used whenever possible in all future searches. Indexes will be available to all users and used in all subsequent searches, regardless of who initiated the index. This does not grant all users the ability to see or search on the field; it only allows all users to take advantage of the index if they have access to the field.

The Search Indexes page (Global Search > Indexes > Search Indexes) offers the ability to reorder index priorities (by dragging rows), and track the status of the indexing process.

Global Search Best Practices

  • Index commonly used fields for faster search results
  • Prioritize indexed fields for more efficient processing during indexing
  • Use Global Search to archive/restore records directly
  • Narrow the search criteria as much as possible
  • Re-run previous search jobs with same search criteria
  • Edit the Global Search name for easy recognition
  • Delete searches that are no longer needed directly from within the search job
  • "Star" most often viewed searches to have them appear at the top of the search job list