GRAX 23.6.1 Release Notes
Additional Relationships for Archive
Archive now supports additional relationships to prevent skipped / orphaned records. When you have an object that is skipped (not deleted because the parent does not cascade delete), you can now click on the gear icon in the graph to "Update Relationships," and then select parents that should trigger the deletion of this object.
Live Search Results
Search results are now displayed within Global Search instead of requiring .CSV download.
No time limits on Global Search
Global Search now allows you to search without minimum and/or maximum time limits. The default search window is set to six months.
Activity Manifest
In the schema graph, we provide a new option to download an activity manifest. This manifest lists all of the IDs in one .CSV without any of the field data.
Link to GRAX Platform
The GRAX Application has a new menu item that links to the GRAX Platform where users can manage the GRAX Application for each of their Salesforce orgs.
Sandbox Seeding Permission Set
There is now a Sandbox Seeding-specific permission set.
Sandbox Seeding Whitelist for Production Salesforce Orgs
When seeding to production Salesforce orgs, you must now explicitly add them to a whitelist as a safety precaution.
Additional Relationships for Sandbox Seeding
Sandbox Seeding always includes required parent relationships by default, but now also allows users to specify additional optional relationships to include in a seed. Records that would have been seeded as orphans now can be seeded with their parents.
Delete Forever Warning
There is now a warning on delete forever for records that are live in Salesforce.
Schema Graph UI
The schema graph UI has been improved so that when you search for an object it zooms in and selects it.
Global Search for Standard Users
GRAX now allows Global Search for Standard Users.
Record ID Parsing Improvements
Record ID parsing and handling is now more robust.
Display Target Salesforce Org ID for Seeding jobs
Sandbox Seeding now displays the target Salesforce org ID in the seed activity list and seed details.
Sandbox Seeding and BusinessHours
Seeding now looks up the existing BusinessHours object if present in the target Salesforce org to reduce the need to set overrides on a seed.
Sandbox Seeding Workflow Simplification
The Sandbox Seeding workflow has been simplified and the options have been combined into one configuration step.
User Objects and Seeding
For Sandbox Seeding, records associated with the User object now behave like any other reference field: if mandatory, we include the parent user with the seed, otherwise we seed the record without this relation and the user can optionally include it.
Optional Seeding Emails
Email notifications for Seeding are now optional.
Updated about 1 month ago